Wood Stork Photo Used in BirdWatching Magazine

I was browsing FaceBook today when a photo of a Wood Stork used in a post by BirdWatching Magazine caught my eye. I thought, that photo looks familiar. Kinda looks like one of mine. So I clicked on the post which redirected me to an article on the BirdWatching Magazine website. Low and behold my name appeared as the credited photographer in the caption beneath that photo. That’s very cool.

This image was created on 28 March 2022 in Brandon, Florida. I used a tripod mounted Nikon Z62 with Nikkor F mount 600mm lens with the FTZII adaptor. ISO 400: 1/3200 sec. at f/4 (wide open) in Manual mode. AWB at 17:32 on a sunny afternoon.

The rookery is composed of a pond with three small tree-covered islands. The birds often fly between the islands so it is a great place to practice birds-in-flight photography. At the time I didn’t yet have my Nikon Z9, so it was quite a bit of a challenge to get the bird in focus with the Z62. This bird’s black feathers are clearly showing the green iridescence that becomes pronounced during breeding season.

I haven’t posted to the BirdWatching Magazine galleries in a while, so this will certainly spur me to add more photos there.

If you are interesting in going out and taking photos with me, I do hold workshops for a very modest fee. During the workshop I’ll show you how to make a perfect exposure in Manual mode, how to approach birds in a responsible and ethical manner, show you how to anticipate bird behavior so you will be prepared to get the shot, and much more. If interested, please connect via the Contact page and I will be in touch.


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